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Inspiration for healthy summer snacks

healthy snacks

Forecasters have predicted that the UK could be in for an Indian summer throughout the end of August and much of September, after a decidedly chilly and soggy start to the season.

That may encourage you to plan some fun days out for your family during the latter part of the holidays, or to escape on a last-minute break.

Clearly, food is a key part of your leisure time – and that includes snacks. But if you’re not careful, you can easily end up spending a fortune on these while you’re out and about. So the obvious answer is to take your own.

What’s more, many of the cheaper options, from crisps and sugary drinks to sweets and chocolate, might taste great and the kids may love them, but ultimately they can be decidedly unhealthy.

Indeed, they can end up contributing significantly to calorific intake, not to mention sugar and salt consumption. And that’s even true of supposedly ‘healthier’ choices like cereal bars, which can be incredibly sugary.

Equally, although normal routine is suspended during the long vacation, that doesn’t mean healthy eating has to go out of the window, too.

Snacking can sustain energy levels, help the body recover if you’ve been for a walk or swim, and increase your intake of nutrients. It can also benefit those who struggle with their blood sugar levels. So get it right and you could seriously improve the quality of your diet.

How to snack healthily

All kinds of nuts, seeds and dried fruit offer classic, no-nonsense options to enjoy on the go on a day out or hike, during a summer sports activity or just while relaxing by the pool. So fuel up for your summer adventure! They’re easy to store, light to carry and won’t go off in the sun. Almonds, for example, burst with calcium, protein, fibre and vitamin E. Small packs are perfect to stash away in your beach bag, and just a handful or two will keep the hunger pangs at bay.

You could also cut some fresh fruit or vegetables into conveniently sized pieces (think celery sticks, for example, which go particularly well with peanut butter), to go with some protein such as a nut butter or bean dip.

One tip is to pop some dark grapes into your freezer. Then you’ll have a very refreshing treat ready for warmer days. Not only are grapes a low-calorie snack, but they provide vitamin K as well as antioxidants.

Another option, if you’re not going to be out in the sun too long, is hummus with, say, carrots or sugar snaps.

If you want cereal or granola bars, consider making them yourself with oats, nuts and seeds. Ideally, no more than 5% of the total content should be sugar-based. Incorporate something like dates or bananas to retain a moist, chewy consistency.

Snacks from Ganesha Wholefoods

At Ganesha Wholefoods, we have three stores across Devon, as well as an online shop. So buy online or pop in and see us – especially if you’re on holiday in Sidmouth, Honiton or Axminster before the schools go back.

Let us take care of all your summer snack needs, sweet and savoury, with our great line-up of organic, wholefood and vegan products. And if there are a lot of you, or you’re going to be on the road for a while, consider bulk purchases. We also supply from a number of well-know brands.

Get nutty with our selection of almonds, walnuts, Brazil and hazelnuts, cashews and more, either whole or in pieces. Fruity options include decadent Medjool dates, mango strips and sour cherries, or dried apricots or Goji berries, not to mention our plump raisins and sultanas.

If you’re after a sweet fix, check out our carob and crystallised ginger treats. (Who said healthy snacks had to be boring?) Meanwhile, if you’re after a healthy drink, we’ve got some delicious apple concentrate juice.

We’ve been in business as a family affair since 1979, and offer swift delivery plus free shipping on baskets worth £40 or more. So make us your first port of call for top-notch snacks, whatever you’re up to this summer.

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Wholefoods specialist since 1979.

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