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Healthy changes to improve your diet this New Year

healthy diet 2024

The Christmas and New Year celebrations may be rapidly fading from memory, but you might still be feeling the after-effects of all those indulgences – most of us would probably admit to having put on a few pounds over the festive season. And while it’s easy enough to resolve to eat well come January while you’re enjoy a mince pie fresh from the oven on Boxing Day, the reality can be much tougher.

After all, it’s in the drab, chilly days of January when many of us will most want to reach for foods offering an instant hit of comfort, especially in the flat period immediately following the festivities. And the contrast between Christmas treats and feasting and a strict diet can feel stark.

As we move into January, here are some basic things you can do to get yourself back on the right nutritional track:

  1. Don’t skip breakfast

It may be a cliché, but you really shouldn’t give the most important meal of the day a swerve. This can lead to eating the wrong things later on. Try a bowl of wholegrain cereal or porridge with fruit to get your morning off to a flying start. But mix it up, with a savoury option like a pea omelette on days when you have more time, or a smoothie bursting with your favourite fruit and veg.

  • Give meatless Mondays a go

If you’re an eager carnivore and giving it up altogether feels too much, think about going meat-free on a Monday as a way of starting to cut down. At the same time, look to increase your intake of plant-based foods and lean meat.

  • Hone your culinary skills

January can be a great time to get creative in the kitchen. And, of course, when you cook from scratch, you always know exactly what’s on your plate. Research healthy recipes – and get the whole family involved.

  • Monitor saturated fat consumption

When it comes to eating fats, it’s really the kind of fat you consume that really matters, rather than how much. And saturated fats are the ones to keep an eye on. The NHS recommends no more than 20g daily for adults, less for kids. So look out for foods that are lower in these fats. More information is available from the NHS website.

  • Have more protein in your daily diet

Protein is vital for the human body in many different ways. Eggs and fish are one way to start boosting your intake. If you’re vegan, consider upping your intake of pulses. A spicy curry or salmon and pea risotto could put some oomph back into your midweek dinners.

Healthy eating doesn’t have to be boring

At family-run Ganesha Wholefoods, we firmly believe that healthy eating doesn’t have to be a drag. And it certainly shouldn’t feel as though you’re punishing yourself.

After all, we’ve been supplying wholefoods since the end of the 1970s. So we know a thing or two about incorporating treats into your diet. Think delectable Nour dates, satisfying almonds (currently on offer) – or check out our extensive line-up of gorgeous organic honey.

When it comes to healthy snacks, we’ve got you covered, with a line-up ranging from dark chocolate coffee beans to yoghurt ginger. And in terms of daily staples, again we have everything you need, whether that’s cereals, pulses and grains or anything else.

Browse our website and enjoy free shipping on all orders worth £40 or more; our wood-pulp packaging is suitable for home composting. Alternatively, pop into one of our three Devon-based shops in Axminster, Honiton or Sidmouth. We’ll be pleased to advise about any of our products.

Happy New Year – and happy healthy eating!

A Family Business

Wholefoods specialist since 1979.

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