Wild About Honey – ‘Wildflower’ Raw Honey
This 100% raw Wild About Honey is made from bees foraging on many abundant spring wildflower plants that carpet the hillsides and meadows of the Western and Central Algarve. This honey is made by the same master beekeeper who produced Wild About Honey's other 3 star Great Taste Award Winning 'Heather' honey.
This wildflower honey is a dark and highly complex honey, made from the diverse wildflowers including Carob, wild Lavender, Borage, Narcissus, Daisies, Buttercups, Vipers Burgloss,, Lupins, and many more. A wonderful tasty complex honey for anyone with a sweet tooth. This honey is a timeless classic.
Wild About Honey - 'Wildflower' Raw Honey and Crystallization. Crystallization is a completely natural process and occurs with all raw honey. The speed and size of the crystallization depends on variations in the balance of sugars, ambient temperature and to some extent water content If your honey is set hard, you can loosen it up by placing it in a pan of hand hot water, (and repeat as necessary) using a spoon placed in hot water first and of course storing it in a sunny/warm place in the house.
Country of Origin: Portugal